This is what the 3 stooges do while I toil away at my computer. All I can say is that they must have been really, really good in a past life. Buttons, (far left) is doing great, by the way and regularly asks for cuddles. As it turns out, she is deaf, which is not a problem. But the fact that she likes to wake up the neighborhood at 5am with loud meows certainly is a problem. Her nickname is "Rooster Kitty."
Anenome-like fireworks after a free Sheryl Crow concert on the Parkway on July 4th. Unfortunately, I was too far away to get a decent shot, but she was fantastic and played a long set.
I'm so glad Buttons has adjusted so well and seems to fit in as if she's always been there. Nice fireworks shot!
Aww, hooray for the best office mates ever :-)
The Roots also played and they were phenomenal. Looks like you had a great view of the fireworks!
That picture of the cats is such a classic. I often marvel at how little my cats do and how fully immersed they are in their lives of luxury.
With office mates like that, I'd even consider (gasp!) going back to cubicle life.
I was out of town and totally missed Sheryl!
I came across this post on the horrors of the poultry and fish industry that I thought you and my fellow urban vegan readers might like! Use it to convince all those fish and chicken eaters in your life to finally go veg.’t-grow-on-trees/
I love it when I look up from what I'm doing and see all 3 cats in the room with me, staked out in their little corners. That's the good life.
Hi! Just stumbled upon your blog and I am so excited to find a Philadelphian Vegan! I used to live in the city, but now I live in the Philly burbs. Look forward to reading your blog!
Rooster kitty :) Love the name.
you are lucky if they do not whirr loudly ...
Nice fireworks shot!
Looks like you had a great view of the fireworks!
Looks like you had a great view of the fireworks!
I often marvel at how little my cats do and how fully immersed they are in their lives of luxury.
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