Monday, July 20, 2009

caffè macchiato

Most of you know that, each morning, I reward myself for waking up with a tall soy cappucino. But sometimes during the hot weather, I just don't have the desire for all that steaming liquid. And I don't particularly enjoy cold beverage at breakfast. Nevertheless, I still need the caffeine.

Enter the Caffè Macchiato. It's a demitasse of potent espresso topped with a healthy cloud of foam. If you are especially caffeine-deficient, you can whip up a large version in a regular size coffee cup and call it a Doppio [Double] Macchiato.

The easiest way to foam such a small amount of hot soy milk is with a handheld frother. Handheld frothers are perfect for city kitchens or for anyone who lacks counter space. They take up very little room and you can store them in your utensil or junk drawer.


Anonymous said...

Dear friend,

At the moment we're try to get the government in Taiwan to organise an official meat free Monday nationwide.
It's for this reason that we've set up a petition, we need as many people to sign it as possible.
Could you please sign and spread this petition to as many people as possible. Here's the link

Any help would be great.

Yours sincerely


Theresa said...

When I was in Ethiopia I drank SO MANY macchiatos. It was one of the remnants left by the Italians who occupied during WWII, along with delicious pasta restaurants and pastry shops.

supra shoes said...

Could you please sign and spread this petition to as many people as possible.

Anonymous said...


Have just found your blog after reading about your new book on Dreena's blog.I went and had a look at some of the recipes and have already pre-ordered it on Amazon here in the UK.I'll be reading your blog regularly now too.

Take care.

The Compassionate Hedonist said...

I live in Italy and before I went vegan i enjoyed the macchiato. Now I make them at home and in the summer I enjoy Caffe' Macchiato Freddo. There are so many coffee choices here, and with a good coffee maker, a good water supply(that is why coffee in naples needs to sugar) and some soy milk, I can make them all at home now.

Christine said...

This just looks so tasty. Even though it is warm out in the mornings it would still be absolutely delightful to sit on my porch enjoying before I get ready for my day.

Rachael said...

The mornings can be quite cold some days and this would be the perfect pick me up. Thanks for sharing.

Eco Mama said...

Love the Blog and looking forward to you book! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Great idea UV!
Hope you are well :)

Unknown said...

Great, great blog! Looking forward to your forth-coming cookbook! Please let me know if you'd like to trade links!!
:) Candy

Jackie said...

I tend to be rather boring and always stick to a double expresso with tons of raw sugar to get me going every morning..

Matt (No Meat Athlete) said...

So good to see that people know a macchiato isn't what Starbucks thinks it is! I'm such a coffee lover but I've been trying to seriously cut back because I believe it affects my race performances. Maybe I could make it more of a "treat" (and hence, rare) by doing something like this instead of just standard drip. Thanks!

Amy said...

Mmm that looks like something I would love to start my day with!

Owyn from Medifast Coupons said...

Delicious. Just sat out having one of these this morning, even though it is quite warm out today.

My Year Without said...

I've been learning a lot about soy lately, and that about 90% of soy crops are genetically modified. In the 1980's the supreme court ruled in favor of patenting the GM soybean was patented and now owned.

I used to drink soy lattes like crazy but now I use rice milk. If frothed right, it's so tasty and sweet....just not quite as thick as soy. It's tough to find it at coffee shops, but I've actually convinced a few coffee shops to start carrying it and selling it to customers.

I LOVE macchiatos, too!!

jordan 6 rings said...

I used to drink soy lattes like crazy but now I use rice milk. If frothed right, it's so tasty and sweet....just not quite as thick as soy. It's tough to find it at coffee shops, but I've actually convinced a few coffee shops to start carrying it and selling it to customers.

jordan 6 rings said...

I used to drink soy lattes like crazy but now I use rice milk. If frothed right, it's so tasty and sweet....just not quite as thick as soy. It's tough to find it at coffee shops, but I've actually convinced a few coffee shops to start carrying it and selling it to customers.