Monday, April 27, 2009

a day in the life of a carioca

A Carioca is a resident of Rio de Janeiro. While I'm only a "wannabe" Carioca, after 3 trips to the Marvelous City, I have learned a few things about navigating the city. First, arrive at the beach early to ensure a primo people- and wave-watching spot. And don't bring anything except your kanga [beach wrap] and a few reals for food and impromptu shopping. Cariocas travel and live lightly.

Next, scan O Globo, even if you don't speak Portuguese. On second thought, lose the newspaper. Who needs reading material with that backdrop?

Forgot your hat? Need a shirt? Sunglasses? Sunscreen? Jewelry? A henna tattoo? A power saw? Relax. The perpetual parade of vendors has only just begun.

Is your American swimsuit flagrantly modest? No worries. Wandering bikini salesman to the rescue....

There – much better. And only $15. I bought two. [No, it's not a "dental floss" bikini.]

Hungry? How about some corn on the cob?

Leave your iPod at home. The wandering samba drummer will entertain you.

Need to cool down? Get the Açai vendor's attention. Quick! Quick! He doesn't come around very often.

Always listen to the lifeguards. One day when the waves and riptides were particularly treacherous, I witnessed 4 beach rescues including this dramatic helicopter intervention. It was like Brazilian "Baywatch."

On your way home from the beach, stop at the corner juice bar for a refreshing suco. Passionfruit [right] and mango [left].

Then pick up any produce you need at the street market.

After you get showered, head back out to Ipanema and watch the beach hunks play "futevollei," [pronounced "foo-chee-vol-lee"]. It's a cross between soccer and volleyball and looks like so much fun. Afterwards, grab some dinner and a caipirinha, then head over to Lapa to hear some live music and samba the night away!

The next morning, get up, have a cafezinho and do it all again.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures! I love the beach!

aimee said...

Sounds, and looks, like paradise!

Binx said...

Wow, looks amazing. I hope I get to go someday!

Christo Gonzales said...

wow I feel like I spent the day at the beach but without all the greatness - I dont have a juice etc etc...

DJ said...

Looks like heaven!!

mamapasta said...

power saw???? you want to bring back a coconut tree home?
I understand that you come back there, so beautiful!

All about... (vegan) food said...

Loved the portuguese words and açaí is so perfect (miss it a lot!)

buffalodick said...

Wow! You in a bikini could be the poster child for Vegans! Best argument for it I ever saw!

Theresa said...

What a life!

aTxVegn said...

Sounds perfect! What a beautiful beach.

n/a said...

Yellow looks so great on you!

I want another vacation with my omniman.....thanks for reminding me. :) Love the photos.

Liz Ranger (Bubble Tea for Dinner) said...

oh wow - I took a social geography course where half the semester was on beachlife, and you just made it all come to life again! what a crazy awesome scene.

MeloMeals said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend a week!

Andréa said...

OMG you summarized it so well! Ai, que saudade do Rio de Janeiro...

Romina (La Cucina Vegan) said...

Love the pictures and your descriptions! You and the scenery look awesome!

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

Gorgeous! I think I need to try tropical destinations next!

tavolini said...

ahhh, I love Rio! Great pics--looks like you guys had a blast :)

Fred Smilek said...

What a great looking place, people and food. Great Pics thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Hi great blog. I'm brazilian and vegan too :) You got açai, the best fruit!!! Please check our organization from Belo Horizonte city you can translate it via google: Not so good :/

KitteeBee said...

sorry i'm late to this post, but your trip sounds so very lovely and relaxing. i have never been to brazil, but would love to go except i do not wear bathing suits...


Flavs said...

That's só cool! I'm a carioca and I didn't expect this post in a vegan blog. I hope you liked to stay in Rio and return many times. Regards.