Walnut Sauce with Rosemary
This decadent, earthy sauce, which appears in my upcoming cookbook, is a nice one to stow in your culinary bag of tricks. It’s a no-brainer over spaghetti when you’re too tired too cook, as I was the other night. It's also an easy-to-prep midnight snack over gnocchi, after a night of dancing and pub crawling.
For fun, I tossed in a few stalks of fresh rosemary. Although you'd guess that this assertive herb would be overpowering, the slightly licorice-y essence is actually quite subtle, since it's balanced by the walnuts, garlic and carb-rich pasta.
Buttons Update
Is this cat really the same one who, just 2 months ago, lived in the gutter? Each day, Buttons now treats me by revealing a little bit more of her personality. Patience and persistence have truly paid off. If you're trying to tame a feral or semi-feral cat, please don't give up.
Buttons now enthusiastically greets me, meows for her breakfast and readily accepts affection. As you can see here, she lets me know exactly where she wants scratching. She also seems to enjoy sitting on my lap, as long as I'm on the floor. She's still skittish, and I suspect she will always be; after all, she's had a hard life. But I now spy Buttons playing with cat toys, chasing Pablo, and just feeling generally more comfortable hanging out. My nickname for her is "Gutter Girl."
Contest winner!
Thanks to everyone for your enthusiastic response to the contest, and sorry about my lateness in announcing the winner. Congratulations to Lindy Loo of Yeah, That Vegan Shit! Lindy, please e-mail me with your address.
Awww! That's so cute. And I love your necklace!
I got Michi Wota Gonzales Pepperoncini from the Humane Society; she had been living in a field for months and was so skittish, hissed and swiped at the slightest hint of provocation. It took years for her to become the lovebug she is now. Yay for Buttons, I'm glad.
Wonderful dish, as always!!
Aww, so glad that Buttons is doing well; and you too!! :-)
What wonderful news about Buttons! She is so lucky to be in your home. :)
Love your blog and have followed the Buttons saga avidly. I've been feeding a feral cat (clipped ear, pitiful condition) for the past few months, and I finally managed to catch her in my humane trap a few days ago. She's currently having dental surgery (several abscessed teeth plus a canine that broke off, leaving the root exposed-- don't ask me how she's managed this long) but will be integrated into my feline household. Thanks for the pointers.
What great news about Buttons! Thanks for the update.
That walnut sauce sounds divine!
I imagine Buttons has been though a lot, I'm glad he trusts you and he seems to be really happy with you! I'm happy for both of you.
I'm so glad Buttons has accepted your love and care. She may always be skittish - our rescued cat was - but she now has a life she can enjoy.
Hurray! Thanks so much for hosting this contest. I'm so excited! And even better: my b-day's next Tuesday, so this was a nice and unexpected b-day surprise. Gonna treat myself to some b-day shoes now, thank you very much!
hoorah for buttons!
I'm so proud of her. It takes a lot of courage to adapt to so many new circumstances all at once.
give her a little meow for me!
awww! Buttons is soooo lucky you saved her... and put in the time and effort to help her trust humans!
You are so beautiful lady.. inside and out..
I can't wait for your cookbook.. I know I sound like a broken record, but I am so excited for it!
Count me in as excited about your cookbook and delighted by Button's progress. Streetwise feline loves the Streetwise Recipe Chef!
Hooray for both of you! (Am looking forward to the cookbook, too.)
Aw, buttons looks so happy! Congratulations!
Walnut sauce looks delicious. So does Buttons ;)
That pasta looks yummy. I'm looking forward to when your book comes out. The world needs more vegan cookbooks!
Great news about Buttons. One of my rescue kitties was very skittish at first and over the years mellowed a lot as she came to trust me.
I love easy pasta sauces and pastes, so this one sounds like a winner! And I love that buttons is settling in so well!! Well done, you!!
I'm really looking forward to that recipe when the book comes out. I love using walnuts with pasta.
and way to go Buttons! Its so nice to see how well she is adapting, great job!
wat a cute kittie :)
your food looks amazing!!!
Mmmmm walnut sauce sounds amazing!
And yay for Buttons news! I suspect my ginger boy wasn't well looked after before I got him, he's very timid, really doesn't like males and is very skittish, but he's full of love and affection, so long as it's on his terms. I'm so happy Buttons is doing so well :)
Walnut sauce sounds like something I would i would really like. I can't wait for your book to come out!
I'm so happy that Buttons has come around. I rescued a ferral just like you and he was a tough one to tame down but so rewarding everytime i look at him. Hey, why don't you rename Buttons, GiGi?
Someone said you are beautiful on the inside and out and i couldn't agree more:-)
I guess that Buttons will soon learn how to knead with her paws..mind your nice dress!
Glad to hear the cat is working out!
I'm so happy that the kitty is coming around!
Christine G.
Mmm I can't wait to get my hands on your book so I can try all these wonderful sounding recipes. I love walnuts, and am totally intrigued by the pairing with rosemary. Can't wait to try it!
Wow, that sauce sounds delish!
Yay for Buttons! We have a formerly-feral kitty. He is terrified of everyone except myself and my husband, but he's the biggest lover in the world.
Aw Button's a cute kitty! <3
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Buttons looks very happy now as you say it is amazing the change in such a short time.
Have been using walnuts a lot lately as I now manage to get them raw and not riasted to death. I must try the walnut rosemary combination :)
Buttons VERY closely resembles my mother's cat Puddy. Puddy died over 7 years ago. She belonged to my mother but the entire family loved her. Even my brother was moved to tears, though the two of them had a somewhat adversarial relationship. Seeing Buttons' pictures makes me miss Puddy all over again. What a wonderful thing you have done.
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